At GT Studio Creations we are working to improve the quality and price of our products. Right now, we are starting with our own production of miniatures. Thanks to this we will be able to get better prices, the change will be gradually, beginning with the miniatures of the current Kickstarter and then the rest of our catalogue references. So you will see in the description of all miniatures shown if the production is of our own or external to our company. In a few months the external production will disappear and prices will be adjusted.

We regret if this can lead to trouble or confusion, but we work hard to offer you the best.

*** This product is from our Kickstarter campaign. It will start sending to the backers in July 2019. If you are not a backer, you will enter in the Late pledge and it will be sent immediately after the backers of the campaign ***


Orc Warband Collectors by Yedharo and GT Studio Creations

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